I only require a few things for a good 4th of July holiday- beer, barbecued meat, fireworks, and the woman I love. Did I mention I also am going to have a 4 day weekend? Oh summer how I love thee.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Baby Fever
My mother and I visited C's new baby, D, on Saturday. OMG. She's so adorable and I'm totally in love with her. She gives my niece L a run for her money in cuteness. C and S are both attractive people so I knew they wouldn't have an ugly baby, it also probably helps that I love her parents too. I've always known I wanted to have kids (preferably my own but I'm totally down with adoption if it comes to that) but being surrounded by babies really makes me want them RIGHT NOW. Which is not smart or really feasible or affordable right now but my hormones don't really care about any of that. I know I'm young and I have plenty of time, etc. but jeez.
I'm more okay with my job than not, I was just having a not so great day last time I posted. I applied for another job on campus. I've had an interview and I think it went really well so we'll see if I make it to round two. I like my job now but I think I'm ready for some new challenges. I was at my step-dad's Sunday for Father's Day and I was telling him about all this. He was saying there's nothing wrong with staying at a good job. It's different for most people now just with the economy and the way other things have changed (most people don't stay at the same place for 20 or even 10 years). Working for the state I have a lot of really awesome benefits that alot of people I know don't have. One of my coworkers and I were having a conversation about being a "lifer" i.e. in for the long haul at the university. I think I would be okay with that. I need to get away from other people's opinion about what I should would could do and think about what would make me happy.
C and I are doing mostly good. Finally said the l word here recently. Being in love with her kinda freaks me out but I'm more okay with it now. We got in a fight the other night. I like to be right and can be kind of (okay, very) insistent when I know I am. She isn't as forceful as I am and will just back down. Which I don't like. I told her she needs to tell me to shut up and stop being an asshole. I need someone to tell me these things because most of the time I don't realize I come across that way. We also just process information and communicate differently. This is usually the source of our disagreements. We both think we're talking about the same thing but we're really not. I need people to be direct with me because otherwise I just don't get it. And I need to be more considerate of other people in general, and my girlfriend in particular. I've gotten better at it in the last few years but there is still much room for improvement.
The Killbillies are done for the season (unless by some chance we make it regionals). There's been some changes in coaching staff which seems to be going well so far. There will be some big changes before next season.....we'll see how that goes. Mostly good I think. The league has been exploding in size at a rate we have never seen before. Fayetteville and the Skatium have been very good to us.
Posted by Cam or Zilla at 12:13 PM 0 comments
Labels: family, relationships
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Work work work
Some days, like today, I feel totally disillusioned and unhappy with my job. I like it for the most part but I take a lot of crap in my position. I don't want to do it forever but I'm not sure what exactly I want to do. If I do want to do something else, I'll have to leave here. I can't move up because I don't have any supervisory experience but I can't get any in the position I'm in. I like working for who I work for but it gets frustrating. With the economy the way it is, I'm not going to up and leave just because. I have a good boss, good benefits, and a pretty good work environment. I don't want to go back to school because quite frankly I don't enjoy it and there's nothing that I'm that interested in.
I enjoy administrative work but I currently see no way really for advancement. Part of it is that I like my benefits working for the state and so would prefer to move to another state job if I did move. Blah.
Posted by Cam or Zilla at 9:46 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
On the Upswing
This past weekend, I took my girlfriend out on a really fun date. Saturday we drove down to Ft. Smith and went thrift store shopping (led by N) which resulted in C finding a pair of awesome boots as well as some amusing pictures. After that, we went to The Park at West End which has an old school ferris wheel and carousel. We ate sno cones and took fun pictures. It was SO much fun. C really loves carnivals and this was almost like a mini one. There weren't very many people there either which was nice.
Sunday night we went to the drive-in to see Prince of Persia and Alice in Wonderland. C hadn't even been to the drive-in before and it was alot really nice. We snuck in drinks and snacks.
Monday I broke out my grill for the first tie this season and made asian grilled chicken, some citrus salmon, and corn on the cob. All in all, a lovely holiday weekend.\
C and S welcomed their baby girl today! I'm so happy for them. She's beautiful (just like I knew she would be!). I'm surrounded by babies. H is due at the end of June but she's in Alaska so I won't her for awhile. And one of my coworkers is also due at the end of June.
We're off to Lubbock, TX this weekend to play West Texas and then to KC the weekend after. The Backwoods Betties are hosting a regional tournament the weekend after and I'll be playing! I'm super excited. All derby, all the time. What did I do with all the free time I apparently had before I started laying rollerderby?
Posted by Cam or Zilla at 4:05 PM 0 comments
Labels: derby, family, friends, relationships